Printable Jokes That Are Funny and Free

In the middle of all the back to school hustle, things can get a little stressful for all of us. One of the best ways to relax and unwind is to get your family laughing together! These are some of our favoriteschool jokes and ones that are guaranteed to get your kids giggling.

We're sharing our favorites in partnership with Boise POLARIS® Premium Multipurpose Paper and because we know just how crazy this time of year can be! So take a deep breath and laugh a little!

School Jokes for kids are a fun way to celebrate back to school! Whether the kids think they're hilarious or just funny, they will make the First Day of School easier! Check out the first one of the math jokes for kids! It's my favorite! Oh and get a free printable version of the jokes too!


We've been telling jokes as a family for as long as I can remember. Carrigan was trying to tell them before she could fully talk. It's just one of our favorite things to do. A good kids joke can help ease any tension or stress they might be feeling.

The start of a new school year can definitely be a stressful time for all of us. Finding jokes for to tell at school and at home that are related to school are a great way to make the transition a fun one!

We partnered with Boise Paper to create printable school jokes that you can use to put in your child's lunch or pull out for a joke of the day!

Printable school jokes for kids


Q: What did the paper say to the pencil?

A: You have a good point.

Q: What do elves learn in school?

A: The elf-abet!

Q: When do astronauts eat?

A: At launch time!

Q: What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?

A: Bookworms.

Q: Why didn't the sun go to college?

A: Because it already had a million degrees!

Q: What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil?

A: Stop going in circles and get to the point.

Q: What is the world's tallest building?

A: The library because it has the most stories.

Q: What kind of tree does a math teacher climb?

A: A Geometry!

Q: What is white when it's dirty and black when its clean?

A: A blackboard.

Q:What is more amazing than a talking dog?

A: A spelling bee.

Q:What is a snake's favorite subject in school?

A: Hissssssstory.

Q:Why did the cookie go to the nurse?

A: Because he was feeling crummy.

Q:What do you call a boy with a dictionary in his pocket?

A: A smarty pants.

Q: What's the king of all school supplies?

A: The ruler.

Q:Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to class?

A: Because her students were so bright.

Q:What is a pirate's favorite subject?

A: Arrrrrrrrt.

Q:What is a chalkboard's favorite drink?

A: Hot chalk-olate.

Q: What is a witch's favorite school subject?

A: SPELLing.

Q: How do you get straight As?

A: With a ruler.

Q: Why did the teacher write on the window?

A: To make the lesson very clear.

Q: Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?

A: They spend so long at C.

Q: How do the fish get to school?

A: On the octoBUS.

Q:Why did the boy eat his homework?

A: Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.

School appropriate jokes are great to share because you don't have to worry about the kids repeating them when they get to school! They're lifesavers when you're in the middle of school supply shopping and need a break!

When we're doing school supply shopping, I also add in some additional supplies for the kids to take to their teachers. Copy and printer paper is a huge one! Boise Paper has proven to be the paper brand I know we can count on!

Boise FIREWORX paper and Box Tops for Education

Last year we created a Box Tops printable collection sheet using Boise POLARIS Multipurpose Paper. Boise Paper is the exclusive office paper partner for Box Tops for Education™ and is committed to delivering excellent products while sustaining environmental, economic and social resources for future generations.

This year we've created a school jokes printable! Scroll down to get your FREE printable!


These kindergarten jokes will help make the first day of school a bit easier. Some are about kindergarten and some are just easier for the younger kids to remember! That first year of school can be a huge transition for the entire family!

So make it a fun one!

Q: What's the best place to grow flowers in school?

A: In the kindergarden.

Q:What flies around a kindergarten class at night?

A: An alpha-bat!

Q: Why was the kindergartener worried?

A: There were too many rules in the school!

Q: Why are fish so smart?

A: They live in schools

Q: How do bees get to school?

A: On the school buzz.

Q: What did A say to B?

A: C you later!

Q:Why did the jellybean go to school?

A: To become a Smartie!


These math jokes are some of my son's favorites! He usually claims math as one of his favorite subjects!

Q: How do cows add?

A: With a cowculator!

Q:Why do you measure a snake in inches?

A: Because they have no feet!

Q: Why doesn't 6 like 7?

A: Because 7 8 9.

Q:What did one math book say to the other?

A: I have a lot of problems.

Q:What did one calculator say to the other calculator?

A: You can count on me!

Q:Why did the student throw his watch out the window?

A: He wanted to see time fly.

Q: Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel?

A: Because it had more cents.

Q: What kind of meals do math teachers eat?

A: Square meals.

Q: Why did the girl wear glasses during math class?

A: To improve di-vision.

Q: What is a math teacher's favorite dessert?

A: Pi.

Q:What tools do you need for math?

A: Multi-pliers.

Image of School Jokes printable file



As I mentioned before, Boise POLARIS Premium Multipurpose Paper and Box Tops for Education are partners and it's a partnership that I love. Weston's school collects Box Tops to earn money. I've been collecting them for years, even before I had kids.

When I was teaching, I would clip Box Tops and save them for my class to turn in together. It was a fun project we all worked on together! At that school, the PTO used the money earned from Box Tops for Education to buy new playground equipment!

So if you ever wondered what might be done with Box Tops money, trust me — it can go a very long way!

Boise POLARIS paper

Next time you need paper for your home, office, or to send in for the teachers, pick premium papers like Boise FIREWORX paper or Boise POLARIS Premium Multipurpose Paper Premium Multipurpose paper. You'll get the quality you want when you're printing and be able to give back to your child's school by collecting the Box Tops for Education on the packaging!

Print your school jokes in color on Boise POLARIS Premium Multipurpose Paper or print them in black and white on your favorite color from a package of Boise FIREWORX paper! Either way, you'll have your kids smiling as they head back to school!

So which joke is your favorite joke? Put them to the test with your kids!Comment and let us know which one your family loves!


  • Halloween Jokes for Kids
  • Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids
  • Christmas Jokes for Kids
School Jokes for kids are a fun way to celebrate back to school! Whether the kids think they're hilarious or just funny, they will make the First Day of School easier! Check out the first one of the math jokes for kids! It's my favorite! Oh and get a free printable version of the jokes too!


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